Improving capabilities

We designed a school to improve performance.

The problem

The second US largest fresh flowers distributor needed to train a team of 150 merchandisers across the US in 67 different POS.

The organization required an On The Job Training strategy alowing trainees to stay put in the job line while improving their capabiities.

The solution

The project included the design, development and implementation of the TWI methodology.

We brought together tools data collection tools on the point of sale to capture performance gaps and improvements.


Job aids on a physical binder at each POS because devices are not allowed on the selling floor.


In the line of work to learn by doing.


Observing in the field, analysing in a dashboard.

The results

The training program became the operation manual for the business.

Since its inception in 2018, this training program became a key selling point for Direct Sales Deposit accounts growth.